Friday, 14 December 2012

Install Quasar 2.2.0 on Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal)

This post explains how to install Quasar 2.2.0 on Ubuntu 12.10. Quasar is the best linux medium to large size business accounting program. You can visit there website at

Since at the time of this writing you can't download quasar that is build pacifically for ubuntu 12.10 you'll need to manually download and install some packages.
libqt3-mt is required and not longer available in the ubuntu repositories
polymer is a nice looking qt3 style formally called plastik
qt3-qtconfig is a program to change the look of qt3 programs
and finally quasar. (Download Quasar-Single if you want the complete solution)

Next install all the packages you just downloaded. What I do more times is just download all of the above into one directory and install everything in that directory. Lets say for instance you'd download everything to ~/Downloads/Quasar/ You would then do the fallowing.
cd ~/Downloads/Quasar/
sudo dpkg -i *
sudo apt-get install -f

To make Quasar and other Qt3 apps look good open qtconfig and make the fallowing changes. (I tried this with ubuntu 12.10 and the settings didn't seem to stick. Not sure what I did wrong)
Appearance > GUI Style > Polymer
Fonts > Family > Sans Serif
Fonts > Point Size > 9
you might also what to alter the color skeme a bit
Appearance > Tune Palette

Since the above did not seem to work on ubuntu 12.10 you can also just choose the  default style in quasar
File > Configuration
beside Change Style? choose Polymer

If you need to further set up postgresql look at the following posts that I wrote.

I have more time had problems that printing didn't work from Quasar. As far as I have found it has to do with qt3. To fix it run
sudo ln -s /var/run/cups/printcap /etc/printcap